I’m a front-end developer based in Sydney, Australia, currently building my developer toolbox with SheCodes.io. My background as an early childhood teacher showcases my strengths in communication, teamwork and creative problem-solving. As a lifelong STEM enthusiast with an analytical mindset, coding is a natural fit for me and I thrive on creating responsive, user-friendly web experiences.
A sample of my projects
Weather Project
With my first interactive application, I added GitHub, hosting and API integration to my developer toolbox. This app employs ES6, integrating a search engine, functions to extract data from the API and template literals to deliver a live, five day weather forecast.
AI Poem Generator
The mission: create an interactive text generator using Axios and API integration. Featuring animations powered by a JavaScript plugin and the CSS @keyframes rule, this app was a fun build and an opportunity to experiment with creative coding techniques.
Pole Dance Project
Using VS Code, I built an HTML landing page featuring CSS grids, transform properties, and a linear gradient. JavaScript class manipulation allowed me to implement a light/dark theme toggle, adding interactivity to the page.